Three Things to Help Your Four Year Old Succeed At Piano Lessons

You have decided it is time to start piano lessons, you have read the articles on the benefits of music and, like all parents, you want your child to have that advantage. You may have even talked to other parents and colleagues and have decided where you will be taking lessons. Great! But that is just the beginning! There is a lot more to do.

1.   Prepare the child, go in and register together. Choose a time to visit that is suitable to both you and your child. Don't be in a rush – it is not just a quick errand on your to do list. Make sure the soon-to-be student is not tired. Your child needs to know ahead of time what to expect. Check out the studio, the classroom, where they will be sitting. Will you be in with them? What do the books look like? Do all this with ENTHUSIASM.

2.   Have an instrument at home before they start lessons. Piano lessons are probably the first extra curricular activity that really catches parents off guard because they are not prepared. There is going to be work at home and if your child is going to succeed this must be part of the musical journey. You would never take your drivers test without practising, would you? Then why do you think it is fine not to have an instrument at home for them to practise? Please don't even think that ridiculous comment: “Well… if they like it we will get her a piano” How can the student like it when she comes to her first months of lessons unprepared? Now that I hope I have convinced you that you need to have an instrument, think about where you are going to place it. NOT in the same room as the television, and NOT in a lonely place, like the bedroom or the basement. You are not going to banish her to practise!

3.   Finally, you are going to be part of this!  Are you ready to make the commitment? Even students as young as 4 are expected to practice! Ten minutes a day, 5 times a week. YOU need to be there! Children of this age are not going to practise on their own.  You will be guiding them through their time at the piano. Students who get into the habit of regular practice are always more successful! You will be there to ensure they are practising correctly what was assigned and to encourage them.

I congratulate you on choosing to make music part of you child’s life. It is going to be quite the journey. Enjoy it!
